Monday, November 9, 2009

Changing Protocol

Well after further research and my friends and supports I have meet through the facebook page YourHCG, I have gone ahead and ordered my HCG injections online to follow the "Original" protocol by Dr. Simeons, M.D. I will continue on the Doctor supervised program I have been following until my HCG arrives which can take up to 2 weeks. I have started altering some of the choices that my doctor is providing me know because on the original protocol you reduce to 500 Calories a day. I will not longer have my Diary or Carbs on the original protocol, and will get one more injection per week.

The "original" protocol has been tested and researched for many of years and after seeing how others are losing weight a little faster than my Dr protocol, I am making the change as well.

"CHANGESRGOOD" and moving forward to a skinner me!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the cookbook! and link to your blog. it's very interesting that the DR. thought he could just make his own new protocol. it's so wise to just do what the original protocol says. :) i'm soooo tempted to mix foods a bit here and there and have, but need to stop! i love variety, but can wait to use variety later. ;) thanks for sharing.
    oh yeah, my hcg blog is called
