Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wheeeeee.......arms above my head as I fall down this rollercoaster

PHASE 3 ~ WEEK 1 ~ DAY 4

Menu: See My Fitday Journal

+ / - of the 2lbs from LIW: + .2

Woo Hoo what a ride but last night I must have put my arms above my head on this ride; because I woke up this am and down -1.8; therefore, I am at +.02 above LIW!!!!

I am a huge vegetable eater so instead of Salads with mixed veggies I focused on high protein portions and only at 1 veggie per meal yesterday!! I consumed about the same number as calories as the previous day; however, large protein portions made up the majority of the calories and I forced extra water down even though it was cooler!!!!

I know you can look at my journal to see what I ate but you would have to go back to the date so I just wanted to share that way it would be easier for you:

For Breakfast I had 1/2 grapefruit, one boiled egg, and 3 strips of turkey bacon

Lunch I had 4 oz of Talipia (after cook weight) on George Foreman and 3 cups of baby spinach wilted in ACV

Snack: 1 oz of Almonds

Dinner: 5 oz of Chicken breast (after cook weight) on George Foreman and sauteed 2 cups of green cabbage in water & ACV

Dessert: Apple with cinnamon and 1/2 packet of Stevia sprinkled over it and Baked

So we are off to another day and I am supper excited!! and Really ready to get back to round 2!!!

I think I am going to have one salad today and make sure just one veggie tonight!! still learning how to walk on this path!!! Taking my baby steps all over again but it is not how fast I get to the road it is that I do it successful!!!

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