Well I had a GREAT WEEKEND!! Saturday was a day road trip to the beach, Yes there was some seaweed and A LOT OF UNDERTOW, but I had not been to DESTIN / FORT WALTON, FL in YEARS AND IT WAS GREAT TO BE ON THE BEACH!! After being there for about an 1.5 hours we had a storm come up so what did we do .... went to do some high class thrift shopping...(needed clothes but not spend a lot in transition) Was excited with my purchases!! I had food packed I had ate my protein so when they went to eat pizza I took in my cucumbers, then back on the beach everyone had their beer, I had water with lemon juice!! Dinner I ordered Grilled chicken ceasar salad, no dressing, cheese or croutons, yesterday a day at home by the pool, they had marinated steak and kabobs I had london broil with a grilled onion!!! DRUM ROLL AND YES AFTER THIS WEEKEND DOWN 2.5 LBS SINCE FRIDAY!! YOU CAN FOLLOW PROTOCOL, HAVE FUN AND STILL BE A LOSER!!!! Well I had a GREAT WEEKEND!!
4kDP: Plants & P3
12 years ago